Which product to choose?
Myalgan or proMyalgan that is the question!
Both preparations have pretty similar composition and due to this fact they produce similar effect. The main difference substitutes two different amino acids. There is 50 mg of l-tryptophan in Myalgan and 30 mg of taurine in proMyalgan.
Myalgan + tryptophan + taurine
Both products Myalgan as well as proMyalgan provide similar set of plant extracts. Myalgan provides additionally l-tryptophan that facilitate melatonin and serotonin levels and subsequently influence positively on sleep /energy and mood*.
Myalgan also provides taurine, which has positive impact on calcium and magnesium levels, on a better creatine** usage and supports mechanisms that regulate muscle tonus/tension†.
So if we are aiming positive sleep effect and reduction chronic fatigue (that are very common in fibromyalgia) and/or mood improvement one should choose Myalgan.
One has to underline that consumer should judge herself/himself which product suits her/him best.
proMyalgan + tryptophan
Both products proMyalgan as well as Myalgan provide similar set of plant extracts. proMyalgan provides additionally tryptophan, that facilitate melatonin and serotonin levels and subsequently influence positively on sleep /energy and mood*.
It should be emphasized that some people demanded a product without taurine. Currently new proMyalgan is a taurine-free product.
One has to underline that consumer should judge herself/himself which product suits her/him best.
**Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in the body. Its main role is to facilitate recycling of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell, primarily in muscle and brain tissue.
†Improper regulation of muscle tension is very common in fibromyalgia and could be the main cause of stiffness and widespread pain.

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