Dietary supplement Myalgan has been developed by Hamida Pharma Company and California University in Irvine in late 90-ties. This product was specially designed for people suffering from fibromyalgia. This purely natural formula provides ingredients that support body's own ability to effectively combat and soothe symptoms related to fibromyalgia. Some patients report that even dozen or so days of taking product could produce perceptible effect even though the illness latest for years.
Mylagan dietary supplement provides unique blend of four plant extracts: daisy leaf extract, grape-vine leaf extract, pineapple fruit and stem extract, olive seed extract (seed fraction of olive's pit) and also two amino acids l-tryptphan and taurine. Tryptophan is an essential aminoacid that like vitamins must be delivered in our food.
The composition of Myalgan has been amended in 2016. Two ingredients: sweet almond extract and orange juice powder were replaced by essential amino acid tryptophan. Moreover, another conditionaly essential amino acid taurine was added in 2019. For more information about active ingredients of Myalgan go to section composition.
Taurine – is an amino acid that does not take part in building up body proteins. Taurine is different from other amino acids because it contains sulphur in a sulphonic acid group in place of the carboxylic acid group as the other amino acids. Therefore taurine is not an amino acid in the true sense of this word. It is synthesized in human liver from cysteine and methionine. This special amino acid is essential for cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system.
Myalgan can be taken by any person as a dietary supplement just to complete our everyday diet. However, it is recommended for people suffering from fibromyalgia particularly because it provides nutrients that may have beneficial effect on wellbeing. These ingredients have also positive effect on sleep and as a consequence give burst of energy and improve mood.
Myalgan Dietary Supplementation in Fibromyalgia Subjects
Evaluation of Effects of taking Myalgan by the people with diagnosed fibromyalgia
The aim of this study was to verify the information received from the people that took Myalgan about the effects that they have noticed. The test had a pilot study character. The evaluated preparation was a dietary supplement in tablets – Myalgan – the original formula providing (1) daisy leaf extract, (2) grape leaf extract, (3) olive seed extract, (4) pineapple fruit and stem extract, (5) sweet almond extract, (6) orange juice powder. The treatment and maintenance properties of the product were taken into consideration.
Investigated group and methods
The investigated group comprised of 25 women and 5 men in age from 32 to 61 years with diagnosed fibromyalgia syndrome. They were recruited to this study by internet. The investigated subjects took Myalgan in dose 1 tablet four times a day. The investigated subjects assessed various symptoms of fibromyalgia by filling up the self-evaluation questionnaire. The intensity of symptoms was assessed before and after 4 weeks of taking Myalgan in five level scale:
4 – very severe, pervasive, continuous, life disturbing symptoms,
3 – severe, considerable symptoms; present very often or continuously,
2 – moderate; present often or intermittent,
1 – slight or mild problems; generally mild or intermittent,
0 – none, not present at all,
Results were presented in a graphical form. The results were grouped into following categories: (1) Stiffness and pain, (2) Sleep disorders and chronic fatigue, (3) Gastro-intestinal system symptoms, urogenital symptoms, emotional symptoms. There are more fibromyalgia related symptoms like from e.g. cardiovascular system, ENT, sensory organs, etc. However, they were present in few investigated subjects only and we did not take them into this report. Due to the small number of investigated subjects statistical analysis has not been performed.
Pain and Stiffness
Widespread and periarticular (joint surrounding tissue) pain, muscle stiffness are the main symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome. These symptoms were present in all investigated subjects. The considerable reduction of these symptoms has been found after four weeks of taking Myalgan.
The intensity of pain was reduced from the mean value of 1.8 points to 0.5 this means reduction by 72% and the intensity of stiffness was reduced from 1.6 points to 0.3 this means reduction by 81%.

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